Sensitive teeth


Tooth sensitivity is never fun, especially when it’s caused by your favourite food and drink, be it hot, cold, sweet or acidic.

Most likely it  is caused by the gradual exposure of the softer part of your tooth that lies under the tooth enamel, called “dentine”.

Dentine has tiny tubes (‘tubules’) that lead to the nerve and are filled with fluid. Eating or drinking foods and drinks that are hot, cold or sweet can cause a change in fluid movement. This fluid movement causes the nerve endings to react in response, triggering a short, sharp pain.


Acidic diet -Brushing

Brushing shortly after acid challenge can cause the enamel to be more easily worn away, as during this time the enamel is softened and more vulnerable. Brushing can also cause receding gums, causing further exposure of the dentine


If you grind your teeth when you sleep or clench your teeth during the day, you may be wearing down enamel and exposing the underlying dentine layer of your tooth. You might be also creating cracks within enamel which will transmit cold / heat inside the tooth. Talk to your dentist as you may require na night guard to protect your teeth from grinding.

Gum disease

Gum disease (also known as gingivitis) causes inflamed and sore gum tissue.  If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to periodontitis. Periodontitis is when gum disease gets worse and damages the tissues and bone that support the teeth. One symptom of periodontitis is sensitive teeth, as the receding gums leave dentine exposed.

Receding gums

Receding gums can be caused by conditions such as gum disease, which can expose the tooth’s dentine and cause sensitivity. Brushing too vigorously can also cause receding gums by troumatizing gum by toothbrish bristles. If you worry about overbrushing talk to your dentist about correct brushing technique and new Oral B electric toothpaste with pressure sensor 😉

Dental decay

Dental decay is caused by insuficient dental hygiene combined with bacterias which break down layer of enamel protecting the teeth and leading to cavity. That will increase tooth nerve/ pulp reaction to temperature factors both cold and hot. If you suspect that might be a reason of your sensitive teeth contact your dentist as soon as possible as without professional help pain will increase and it may result in need of root canal treatment or even extraction.


If you suffer from mild sensitivity using some well known branded products like sensitivity toothpastes will help. In case the pain is increasing or you cannot achieve any relief  please contact your dentist to look for an advice.