Denture on Implants / implant retained denture

Recently we have written about all the challenges which come with having a full denture and briefly advised about the denture on implants option.

If you know someone struggling with a denture or in need of one and petrified of getting it, this is something you should definitely read.

We’ve all heard about dental implants but still many people wrongly think that if all teeth are missing already or are about to be removed it’s too late for dental implants.

If you are one of them here is a good news- It’s not too late at all. It’s the perfect time to take full advantage of them and avoid dealing with loose, “living its own life inside your mouth” false teeth.

And yes, you do have couple of options to choose from.

The simplest way to improve full denture fit is a denture on implants, otherwise known as overdenture/ implant retained denture or implant supported denture.  And the best part is you do not need as many implants as you have missing teeth. By placing as little as 2 implants in lower jaw and as little as 4 implants in upper jaw we can really help.

A simple procedure can tremendously improve the fit and stability of the denture.

Don’t worry if you have just had a denture made – it can be used no problem! But if you have an old existing denture or you are not happy with the way it looks (teeth too small, too big, too forward, too yellow) it can be all fixed with a new denture which you will design.

Yes YOU !

It is important to us that you participate in designing your denture. At the end of the day you look in the mirror every day and you need to be happy with what you see!

 implant denture

So what is it you gain with this denture on implant/ implant retained denture solution?

You could summarise it by saying: EAT better, SPEAK better, FEEL better !

Implant supported denture can triple your chewing forces allowing you to enjoy more challenging food like apples or steak.

You will speak with confidence and more natural, relaxed tone of voice and you will not be concious of  denture movement.

Although you will be required to remove them for cleaning implant supported dentures are otherwise attached/ fixed to implants giving you confidence to simply live your LIFE !