Benefits of having dental implants

dental implants benefits, what do I need to know

Have you considered dental Implants?

Not sure if they are going to benefit you?

Here is your answer:

Top reasons to have dental Implants!

1. Adjacent teeth are not compromised- no heavy preparation like for bridges

2. Prevent bone loss

3. Dental Implants do not move and rock while chewing – unlike even best type of  denture dental implants have no mobility

4. Confidence to eat, smile, lough

5. If you are already wearing  full denture dental implants can significantly improve denture stability & retention.  Remember you do not need implant per tooth ! With as little as 2 in lower arch and 4 in upper arch dental implant can significantly improve comfort of having denture

6. Easy to clean and maintain



There is no upper age limit for dental implants. It is health of your mouth and your general health which will determine your suitability for treatment. You might be too young for the treatment if you are under 18 years old.


If you are ready to take next step just contact us and make your FREE consultation. We are here to answer all your questions!

We offer all types of dental implants treatments and implant related procedures:

  • single implant
  • multiple implants
  • implant crowns
  • implant retained bridge
  • implant retained dentures
  • same day teeth / all on 4
  • bone graft
  • sinus lift
  • treatment of periimplantitis
  • immediate implants