You brush your teeth for how long ?!

teeth brush, teeth brushing toothbrush and smiling

Apparently a woman will spend 136 days getting ready, comparing to just 46 for a man. We will spend 5 months of our life complaining, 115 days laughing and 26 years sleeping!
It got me wondering how long we spend brushing our teeth.

If you brush your teeth for twice a day, for the recommended 2 minutes a time that’s 4 minutes a day, in a year that’s 1460 minutes. Lets put this into perspective, that’s a little over 24 hours…. a whole day brushing your teeth every year.

Now assuming you started brushing your teeth right from the start, say 6 months, and are lucky enough to keep your own teeth until you are say 80 years old, (with our help hopefully forever) that’s 80 entire days you will spend at a sink brushing your teeth!!!

So with all this time invested in brushing your teeth, you better make sure you’re doing it right! And that’s a lesson for another day 😉